This photo is interesting because it shows the gritty industrial areas in a few interesting ways. The black and white filter of the camera enhances the gritty and polluted themes within the image. The image is set up in in a way where the sky is used in contrast to the gritty industrial structures in the bottom of the frame to enhance the themes of pollution . There are formal elements included within this image, including contrast, pattern and depth. Contrasts can be seen against the white sky with the black pollution. The figure in the road shows more examples of contrast as they appear as a silhouette against the lighter background. Pattern can be seen within the panelling of the fence as it begins to fall down. Depth can be shown as objects such as the fence and the lines on the road change as the distance increases.
This image features a man mid-action. The use of the man holding a gun acts in contrast to the white background. This promotes the thought that the violence of the man is acting in contrast to the purity of the white wall. Other formal elements such as pattern, contrast and movement can be seen within the image. The bold black colour of the open door creates a clear contrast against the white background. Examples of pattern can be seen on the door frame in the form of large squares. The movement within the image can be seen as the man appears to have a foot off the ground mid-sprint.
This image shows pattern within uniform and shows a united power amongst the police. Contrast is also emphasised here as the protester stands out and becomes the focal point of the image dues to his difference in both outfit and position within the frame. Contrast is a main feature of the image and serves a powerful purpose. The clothing of the policemen stand out against the white sky. The contrast of the dark outfits of the policemen and the light colour of the protester create a visually powerful image. The lighter colours used indicate that the protester is purer than the policemen. These contrasts cause the protester to be the focal point of the image and the fact that the audience cannot see what sign the protester is holding, creates a more interesting image.
This image is interesting because of its composition. In this photo we can see the facial expression combined with the body language of the soldier to show us that he is shocked and frightened. The result culminates in a way that shows shell-shock. The composition is a key factor in making the image reveal the soldier's emotions. The bottom of the frame is used to show that the soldier is clutching a gun, causing him to appear more defensive and afraid. The form and tone of the image enhance the shadows on the face and clothing revealing more detail in the emotion and state of mind of the soldier.
Don McCullin's approach to his images offers layers of meaning to be seen by the audience. He is able to use multiple themes to tell a story in his pictures. Tone is reflected throughout his images by the emotion shown by the subjects along with the black and white filter and dark colour pallet. McCullin uses formal elements in ways that still manage to express the serious tones of the image but in a visually interesting way through the use of contrast, pattern and so on.
I would like to reflect McCulin's use of hidden meanings through different elements in my own work in order to produce interesting results. I would do this by thinking about different formal elements in order to show different results.
I have managed to recreate McCullin's work by focusing on using different techniques in order to tell a story within the image. The black background with the harsh light on the person's face allows for the tone of the image to show that the person is attempting to hide their injury. Tone and form are used within the image in a way that show the emotion of the person in a clearer way through the use of shadow.